02Jquery Countdown timer free scripts for web developers
Nowadays the countdown timer is used in many websites and applications for some incoming events, holidays in real life such as christmas, new year, opening date, expiration of product in shopping cart, coupon code expiration etc . The jQuery countdown is a very attractive and useful application which is used in various fields. It counts the time in the format of day, hours, minutes and seconds. All these formats reduce with increasing of the time and also informs the visitors when the program will resume. Countdown timer is also used in a website, which has not become operational as yet. Such a website is referred to as a site under construction, coming soon page, landing page. It also releases the date of any movie or big event. Each jQuery Countdown Script have their own unique features and there are many different types of countdown timer plugins available. Some of the plugins are premium, while the others are free.
JQuery code
$(function(){ $('#future_date').countdowntimer({ dateAndTime : "2018/01/01 00:00:00", size : "lg", regexpMatchFormat: "([0-9]{1,2}):([0-9]{1,2}):([0-9]{1,2}):([0-9]{1,2})", regexpReplaceWith: "$1days / $2hours / $3minutes / $4seconds" }); });
Please take care not to use timer options(hours, minutes, seconds), dateAndTime and currentTime simultaneously as all these options display different time.
regexpMatchFormat and regexpReplaceWith will not work if used simultaneously with timeSeparator option as they have same purpose, i.e. formatting. For basic usage go for timeSeparator.
To view the detailed explanation and more examples on jquery countdown timer please click the live demo and enjoy on it
By Thirumani Raj posted on - 13th Feb 2016
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