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« Personalized Map Navigation
« Remjs solves the problem of mobile terminal adaptation
« Picture centered vertically
« Colorful Diwali Wishes Share Via Whatsapp and Facebook
« Get City and State by ZipCode Using Google Map Geocoding API
« Responsive Live Weather App Using Open Weather Api and JQuery
« Multistep Javascript validation Form With SemanticUI
« Live Bitcoin Price - All countries
« Advanced Social Oauth Login
« Product Refine Search Using PHP MYSQL
« Simple File Manager Using Php Mysql
« Be alert on cyber ransomware attack
« Secure Login and Registeration Sytem Using PHP, PDO and Mysql
« Rating star like amazon using PHP, Mysql, jQuery, Ajax
« Simple Sudoku Web Application Using PHP
« Export data in excel files with images using PHP Excel Library
« Pattern style login system using PHP Mysql jQuery
« JQuery Pairing Game
« Simple Ajax Polling System With PHP, Mysql, jQuery, Ajax
« Password Strength Finder Using jQuery Plugin
« Creating a folder wise tree view structure with jquery php
« Advance Pagination With PHP
« Address Book With Bootstrap and jQuery
« Dynamically Adding Data with jQuery and Store in Database Using PHP Mysql
« Bootstrap Responsive Date range Filtering Using PHP Ajax Mysql
« Display currency in indian numbering format using php
« Removing special characters with PHP using iconv
« Bootstrap Responsive Date Pagination with PHP Mysql
« PHP Database Class PDO
« Secure Password Encryption with Password Hash In PHP
« Light On Off with toggle smooth switch using JQuery CSS
« Gmail Style Clone Login Page and Validation Using PHP, Jquery, Ajax and Bootstrap
« List All Countries Name With ISD and ISO Code in SQL and CSV Format
« Resize compress and Watermark To The Uploaded Image Using PHP
« Check Domain Name Availability Using PHP Ajax
« Jquery Ajax PHP Contact us form with attachment sending Mail Using PHPMailer
« Wow notify Jquery Notification Plugin
« Modern sticky notes using jquery ajax php json bootstrap
« Jquery nice notify notification messages
« Translate non ascii character to normal character using php
« Bootstrap pretty cool and awesome modal
« Multiple form file uploader using Jquery Ajax PHP and Bootstrap Progressbar
« Jquery Countdown timer free scripts for web developers
« Datatable - Searching, Sorting and Pagination on server side using Php , Mysql, Ajax, Json
« Simple ajax driven php webistes
« Scrolling Fanta Can with Pure CSS
« Drag and drop multiple image with bootstrap progress bar,Jquery, PHP and Html5
« PHP ajax image upload with bootstrap progress bar
« Export invoice in html page to pdf using codeigniter
« On page scroll Down load data dynamically using php jquery ajax
« Upload image using php ajax Jquery
« Currency converter using php curl ajax bootstrap