05 Bootstrap Responsive Date range Filtering Using PHP Ajax MysqlAdding up a date through input elements in forms can be cumbersome if you do not use a date picker. There are some plugins for jQuery and Bootstrap that make this process easy and simple – yet implementing a powerful and advanced tool. The tool described below is called “Date Range Picker for Bootstrap” and is ready to go with a very simple implementation.- By, Thirumani Raj 14th May 2016 10:30:22
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04 Bootstrap Responsive Date Pagination with PHP MysqlHi guys, today let us see something interesting of date pagination using php mysql bootstrap. Pagination is normally dividing the whole content into separate page. When the records exceed 1000 rows every programmer should paginate the record with query. This will prevent the data overloaded and help to browse the large amount of data easier.- By, Thirumani Raj 20th Apr 2016 22:46:51
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10 Gmail Style Clone Login Page and Validation Using PHP, Jquery, Ajax and BootstrapHi friends in this tutorial I show how to create a gmail like login style and validation using php ajax and jquery. Gmail is one of the best and top most email service provider in the world. Almost allover the world every internet users must have the Gmail as their services. For creating and styling the gmail style login page I used HTML, CSS and Bootstrap.- By, Thirumani Raj 27th Oct 2016 13:55:19
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04 List All Countries Name With ISD and ISO Code in SQL and CSV FormatListing of countries names are one of the most common part of every project. I have used countries names list in almost every project I have done. So I thought why not share with you all. So I have put a list of all countries name with ISD and ISO code in SQL and CSV format and published here.- By, Thirumani Raj 4th Apr 2016 23:40:27
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03 Modern sticky notes using jquery ajax php json bootstrapToday i am sharing something interesting, this tutorial is focused on sticky notes where user can create and stick multiple sticky notes with different colors on dashboard. Sticky notes are useful for the user to track their day to day work and activities.- By, Thirumani Raj 6th Mar 2016 13:22:06
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